Konstantin Dournev

“05.19.1967 – 10.30.21”

We lost somebody very special to us, Konstantin Dournev. He was the main inspiration behind Duet – School of Russian Ballet. This is such a heartbreaking loss for the entire ballet world!

Konstantin was a true professional, who was a great ballet dancer, a great ballet teacher and a great choreographer and creator. 

He was always loved kids and loved to teach. He always tried to impart on to them a professional discipline, not only in to apply to dance but to life as well. He always seen as the ballet dad to all the students. They all loved his energy and he never failed to bring a smile to everyone he taught. 

Most of the work we produced over the years as either ADACA or as Duet, was his creative endeavor. Such as; The Musical Snuffbox (2010), Romeo & Juliet (2011), Halloween Performances, Galas, Nutcrackers, Les Oeuf de Faberge (2014 & 2018), Cinderella (2017), Coppelia (2019), along with choreographing many different dances for various different competitions and festivals.

Konstantin will always be in our hearts and minds. His memory will never die as long we keep his spirit alive through our movements. All of his students who trained under him, we wish that you never forget all the lessons he taught you, not just in a professional setting but in life as well. This is the best gift you give to honor his memory. Thank you to all who supported us during these trying times. Thank you!